Friday, June 15, 2007

FIUV Roman Report

The FIUV sent me this report this morning:

FIUV Meetings in Rome - 2007
11th/13th June 2007
short preliminary report

Dear Friends,

Leo Darroch, Monika Rheinschmitt and I have just returned from a visit to Rome. On Tuesday 12th June We were received in separate meetings by Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos and Mgr Perl of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei and Archbishop Ranjith of the Congregation of Divine Worship.

On Wednesday morning 13th June we were at the General Audience of Pope Benedict and were granted seats on the "Prima Fila" (="first row"). This gave us the opportunity of having some private words with the Holy Father for a couple of minutes. Conversations with the Holy Father are confidential but we can confirm by the words of His Holiness that the Motu Proprio will come soon.

Both Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos and Archbishop Ranjith were very open and friendly. We gave them some papers about the situation in our countries and said that a great many lay people and priests are waiting patiently, and impatiently, for news from Rome about greater freedom for the traditional liturgy; not only the Mass but all the liturgical books. We gave them each a bound volume of all the public manifestos that have been published around the world in the past few months in support of the Holy Father.

We expressed our regret that some bishops conferences had written to Rome against the forthcoming indult but gave our opinion that they had not consulted anyone about their decisions and, in this matter, they did not speak for their people or for many of their priests. We were urged to pray for the Holy Father and the whole Church in these difficult days.

Best regards
In Christo
Jack P. Oostveen
Foederatio Internationalis Una Voce

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