Here are some first images of the ordinations to the priesthood which the Holy Father is conferring this morning on 29 deacons of the diocese of Rome. I will only be able to cover the opening of the Papal Mass, but we hope to post more later on.

The Holy Father is wearing his own chasuble and mitre, which he first wore on his 80th birthday

The Pontiff receiving the oath of fideliy
This being a diocesan celebration for Rome the Mass is mostly in Italian, but the Kyrie of the Missa de Angelis is being sung. ...And the Gloria, so apparently the entire ordinarium.
Having returned home I see that Felici have released their pictures. Unfortunately, they have until now only posted photographs up to the same point as the one at which I had to leave for Mass. Here are two of the entrance procession:

Felici has now published all their photos.

The anointing of the hands was simultaneously performed by several bishops:

Here we see a Chaldean priest from Iraq who has also been ordained by the pope today
The traditio of paten and chailce:

The Holy Father exchanging peace with the newly ordained - very edifying pictures:

The offertory:

A beautiful perspective:

