Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Papal Coverage to begin this evening

Many of you are likely wondering about potential coverage of the Pope's visit to the United States here on the NLM. That coverage will begin later today.

As the NLM is a liturgy focused blog, our coverage will be specifically focused upon the liturgical aspects of the papal visit to the USA.

It is perhaps worthwhile to note that people should manage their expectations with regard to these events. If you are expecting liturgies as you might see them at in St. Peter's Basilica, Rome, or which fully confirm with Pope Benedict's liturgical vision, that would not be terribly realistic for a variety of pragmatic reasons.

In view of this, the NLM's own approach and focus for these events will be upon those things which can be understood as helping push forward one or another aspect of Benedict's programme for liturgical reform in continuity.

Based upon some of the early preparations we have reported upon, I do expect to see some good elements. We shall now wait and see.

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