Wednesday, April 30, 2008

FSSP and EWTN Produce Training DVD; Free for priests in North America

News comes to the NLM of yet another training DVD for the usus antiquior, this one from the FSSP and EWTN: FSSP TRAINING DVD - Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite

Of note is that this particular training DVD is FREE to priests in North America.

The DVD bears and introduction by Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, which you may watch online by clicking the above link.

There is also a trailer which you may watch online.

Needless to say, the video looks well produced.

The first DVD contains the introduction by Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, followed by a "comprehensive explanation of the entire ceremony of Low Mass..."

The second DVD included in the set includes "a real time demonstration of the Mass filmed from four simultaneous camera angles with the ability to switch the viewing angle at any time. Also includes a spiritual commentary on the Mass by Fr. Calvin Goodwin, FSSP."

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