The Kloska family weblog has some excellent photos of the Notre Dame Eucharistic procession from a couple of weeks back--definitely have a look. Expect more photos in the next few weeks from other sources, as other shots inevitably surface on Facebook and elsewhere. Incidentally, it seems we lowballed the attendance figures for the event. One reader, and eyewitness, writes:
600, I think, is a conservative estimate. There were so many little children that it was hard to count them all. One person I know was counting groups of twenty-five adults at a time and estimates that there were almost 600 adults and maybe another 50-100 children. In any event, it was an unexpectedly large group which really made a statement - and certainly brought blessings upon the campus. Especially wonderful is the enthusiastic cooperation of Gail Walton and the Liturgical Choir. Their song on the steps of the Dome as the Blessed Sacrament was placed on the altar was a very touching moment.Be sure to note the extra-elaborate altars this year: I'm told that a pleasantly pious spirit of competition, just like in the days of the old Corpus Christi guilds, has overtaken the various campus ministries, who are all hoping to outdo the other next year: "But far be it from me to boast, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." St. Paul would be proud.
UPDATE! I've run across more shots of the procession via Shrine friend and Southern SMC belle Spera in Deo.
The crucifer, torchbearers and Master of Ceremonies.
The Sanctissimum under Its new canopy, the honor guard of Knights, and priests in the habit of the Holy Cross fathers.
His Excellency the Bishop with the Sanctissimum.
A view of the basilica with the procession.
One of the more elaborately decorated stational altars.