I was recently sent some stupendous photos of some wonderful new sacred art in the Baroque manner by a Spanish painter,
Raúl Berzosa. The following are from his work in a
confraternity chapel in Málaga, Spain. The majority of his other works to date appear to be mostly good-quality easel paintings, but he has also done at least one other large-scale work
in situ, ornamenting a large stair-hall in the Seville church of
María Santísima de las Angustias Coronada. It is wonderful to see vibrant work being undertaken in this style, which has largely been neglected by Catholic artists in favor of strict stylization or strict realism, and especially in Spain, where the Baroque expresses deep-set aspirations of the popular religious imagination.
I encourage our readers, in the Americas and Europes (and farther afield), to continue to send in images of new projects such as this. There is a lot more going on out there than even I am aware of, and it is always a joy to be able to introduce our readers to such new treasures.