Sunday, February 24, 2008

Solemn Mass (Usus Antiquior) in the Pantheon, Rome

Solemn Mass in the usus antiquior was offered today in Rome in the Pantheon.

You will note here the use of the folded chasuble instead of the dalmatic and tunicle which was a tradition during Lent excepting Laetare Sunday. On that point, I'm not certain if this wasn't revised in liturgical reforms prior to the Council in the time of Pius XII or John XXIII. Perhaps one of our ceremonialists can answer this interesting rubrical question.

Regardless of that question, it looks as though it would have been a splendid liturgy to attend in person. In fact, as I listen to this schola, particularly during the Kyrie, and take in the surroundings, I cannot but have in mind how, from time immemorial, these sorts of sights and sounds have been seen in the Eternal City.

The videos:


Kyrie/Incensation of Altar:

Gospel Procession:

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