Friday, December 28, 2007

The Shrine of Christ the King in Chicago

Some very interesting pictures from Christmas 2007 at the Shrine of Christ the King in Chicago, the church given to the Institute of Christ the King by Francis Cardinal George.

Many of you will recall that this church is a historic landmark, but in need of restoration. In fact, only but recently, here is the state of the church building:

The ICRSS has been busy however, putting in some temporary measures that will at least allow them to begin using the building. Obviously the fact that these are temporary measures to accomdate some very practical needs, needs to be highlighted. Here is what they had to say about it:

"The church building was previously "gutted" and unusable, but workers cleaned and prepared it for use to accomodate the growing attendance, as the basement chapel in the rectory has been out-grown.

A temporary painted high altar brings the sanctuary to life. The statue of the Divine Infant King, which will be the centerpiece of a future high altar, will be crowned by His Eminence Francis Cardinal George at a Solemn High Mass on December 29th."

I believe they've done quite well. Here are the results in the context of their Christmas masses:

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