The FSSP's Roman blog (F.S.S.P. IN VRBE) has a beautiful image of their altar of repose:

If others find inspiring liturgical images of the Triduum during the course of it, please share the link with me.
Also, for the benefit of those who are new readers to this blog, on this day when we commemorate Our Lord's sacrifice upon the Cross, and as we mourn for the fact that it was for our sins that he endured such suffering, I should like to again reference this piece I have done in the past here On the Use of Black Vestments.
UPDATE: lest anyone misperceive that by this piece I am somehow advising priests to wear black on this day, my understanding is that in the modern Roman rite, RED are the colour of vestments for Good Friday. Black is however used in the classical Roman rite, and has been through our tradition. Hence, my purpose in tying back into this old article relates to the practice as pertains to the classical rite, and is intended to be promotional of black vestments, generally, in our tradition, where liturgically so allowed.
Because the use of black vestments is something which is often avoided and even opposed today, and because today was a day where Black was also worn in our tradition, it was a pertinent opportunity to raise the issue for people's consideration again.
What it was not, however, was rubrical advice for priests using the modern Roman liturgical books.
That being said, I should indeed like to make a prudential argument that it would be good in any reform of the reform to restore the (at least optional) use of black vestments upon Good Friday.
However, as we are not masters over the liturgy, and insofar as it would seem red is the exclusive colour to be used in the modern Roman liturgy at this time (though a few sources contradict this; but I can see no evidence for that assertion at this time), red should be used in the modern rite while black continues to be used in the classical rite.