Friday, June 05, 2009

Rumour Watch: DiNoia To Succeed Ranjith As CDW Secretary?

According to one of the most astute watchers of the Roman Curia, Andrea Tornielli, Fr. Augustine DiNoia, O.P., the current undersecretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, is to be named Secratary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in replacement of Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith in the next days. Here is an NLM translation of Tornielli's piece:

One of the most contentious and deferred appointments of the Roman Curia now seems decided for good: the Secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship, the Ceylonese Malcolm Ranjith Patabendige Don - already called to the Curia in his time as Secretary of the Propaganda Fide, then removed as Apostolic Nuncio to then be called back to Rome by Benedict XVI - will be the new Archbishop of Colombo, despite some attempts in extremis by Cardinals to keep him Oltretevere [NLM note: i.e., in the Vatican]. In his place will be named the US Dominican J. Augustine Di Noia (see photo), since 2002 Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and therefore for almost three years a collaborator of the then Cardinal Ratzinger. It was known that the replacement for Ranjith had to be an Anglophone: after various candidatures coming from Australia, Ireland and the Roman Curia itself had failed because of vetoes opposed to each other, in the end the American theologian in service to the former Holy Office was chosen. After having been the number three of Ratzinger, he will now become the number two of the "little Ratzinger", a nickname given to Spanish Cardinal Cañizares Llovera, who leads the Congregation of Worship. The appointment should (the conditional is de rigeur) be announced in the coming days, in any case no later than 29 June. The liturgical one is the Vatican dicastery that has most often changed its Secretary in recent years : Di Noia will be the fourth in just seven years.

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