Saturday, May 17, 2008

Usus Antiquior: Georgetown University

A few NLM readers sent me in notes about the re-emergence of the Solemn form of the usus antiquior at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. yesterday evening.

The celebrant was Fr. Stephen M. Fields, S.J.; the deacon, Msgr. Charles E. Pope; and the subdeacon, Fr. John R. Siberski, S.J. It is reported to me that a umber of the servers were Georgetown students.

The Mass had a Gregorian schola of seven men, the Canticum Novum Schola, and was celebrated in the Copley Crypt Chapel at Georgetown University.

The NLM is also told that the celebrant, Fr. Fields, said it was probably the first traditional High Mass on campus in 44 years. (Low Masses are said Wednesdays and Sundays.)

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