Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Doings of the Oxford Newman Society

An account on Fr. Finigan's blog, The Hermeneutic of Continuity and his recent talk at Oxford, given to the Oxford University Newman Society brought to light for me an interesting speaker and topic this same, excellent society will be hosting this month:

Rev Fr John Saward - Tuesday 27th November, 8.30pm
The Permanence of the Sacred: some reflections on Summorum Pontificum

Fr Saward, Priest-in-Charge of the local [Oxford] Church of SS Gregory and Augustine, will analyse the meaning of Pope Benedict's motu proprio Summorum Pontificum for the Church and address the concerns raised about the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite. Fr Saward is a distinguished Catholic author and translator of the Holy Father's work, The Spirit of the Liturgy.

[It goes without saying, the NLM will try to get a report of this event.]

Incidentally, while Fr. Finigan was there for his own talk, the young Newman Society members asked Fr. Finigan to celebrate Mass in the ancient Roman rite:

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