Friday, December 04, 2009

Rituale Parvum; A Shorter Roman Ritual (Modern Roman Liturgy)

Midwest Theological Forum has recently released a Rituale Parvum or Shorter Roman Ritual. It comes in three formats, a large and pocket sized leatherbound edition, and a cloth hardcover edition.

From their website:

This is a compilation of selected rites and blessings from the liturgical texts of the editiones typicæ issued after the Second Vatican Council in the character of the former Collectio Rituum. Features include a side-by-side Latin-English format, gilded edges, a gold-stamped cover, and excerpts from the Manual of Indulgences.

From the Foreword by Francis Cardinal Arinze:
"Being a selection, this short ritual is primarily intended for use in the celebration of the sacraments and the administration of blessings when they take place outside the church building and the full range of liturgical books is not readily accessible.

"The Latin-English bilingual format of this book facilitates the whole or partial use of Latin texts when it is pastorally prudent to do so. The presence of Latin in an otherwise English-language collection gives appropriate witness to the importance of the Latin language in the Roman Rite and is in harmony with what was stated by the Second Vatican Council: 'The use of the Latin language is to be preserved in the Latin rites' (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 36)."

The following also gives a good sense of the formatting and contents. (Click to enlarge.)

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