Saturday, February 14, 2009

Priestly Input: Reform of the Reform Updates?

Periodically, the NLM has liked to put it out to our priestly readers who are steadfastly and diligently working on the project of reforming the reform, asking them for their reports on what they have implemented to date, or are looking to implement in their parishes very shortly. It seems time for that question again.

Some of the biggest areas of interest insofar as "reforming the reform" goes is:

1. Liturgical Orientation. Have you instituted ad orientem yet in any of your Masses? Are you planning to? Have you created resources to catechize the faithful? Have you begun to use "the Benedictine arrangement" for your other Masses?

2. Sacred Music. Have you instituted chant or polyphony in your liturgies and in what degree? Have you considered implementing things such as the Adoremus Hymnal? What about the proper chants in place of hymns?

3. Sanctuary Ordering and Beautifications. Plenty of considerations here which I think are fairly self-explanatory, some of which also relate to orientation.

4. Ars Celebrandi. What have you done to create a more reverential atmosphere? How have you trained your altar servers to serve competently and reverently as well?

5. Liturgical Catechesis. Have you been pursuing the promotion of liturgical catechetics, explaining the nature of the Mass as worship of God through the Sacrifice of the Son? What are you doing to foster a liturgical piety?

6. Summorum Pontificum. Have you added any usus antiquior Masses to help in the project of continuity and enrichment?

7. The Divine Office. Is the public celebration of sung parish Vespers -- for example -- anywhere in sight yet?

This is really just a quick list, and many others could be added, but hopefully it will stir up some considerations.

Resource Needs?

Additionally, I would ask you to state what you see as a definite need in the area of resources that would help priests and parishes to implement a reform of the reform. For example, the NLM often receives questions such as "how should ad orientem work in the context of the modern Roman liturgy?" Questions such as these may show an area where resources could be developed by the NLM. Let us know then what you see as real and practical needs. What would be most helpful to you?

Please use the comments to discuss both what you see as needed resources, as well as what you have already implemented.

Finally, if you have photos or resources you would like to share to supplement these, please send them in or share them in the comment box.

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