Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Giovanie e Tradizione in Bergamo, Italy

Thanks to Giovanie e Tradizione for sending a reminder to the NLM of a recent event of theirs, and for pointing out that the Mass associated with this event was captured by the good folks over at Rinascimento Sacro.

The photos, taken by "Newman" of Rinascimento Sacro, capture the Mass of Septuagesima Sunday (calendar of the usus antiquior) which was celebrated by Fr. Vincenzo Nuara, O.P, founder of Giovanie e Tradizione as well as the "Priestly Friends of Summorum Pontificum".

The Mass was celebrated in the church of Santa Maria Ad Nives in Bergamo and was attached to a conference held by Giovanie e Tradizione on the preceding Saturday evening, "L'educazione al Sacro, al Bello, al Vero: vie per la nuova evangelizzazione: la S.Messa nel rito romano antico."

The full photo album of the Mass is available here.

Photos: Copyright "Newman" (Rinascimento Sacro) 2009

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