Sunday, June 29, 2008

Music from the Toronto Oratory; the Splendour of Palestrina and William Byrd

You may recall a post the NLM made a couple of weeks ago, detailing images from the diaconal ordination of one of the brother's of the Toronto Oratory, were the Archbishop celebrated the Mass ad orientem.

The NLM was pleased to acquire from the Toronto Oratory these audio clips from that Mass which give one at lesat a musical sense of the occasion, but also a general view of the excellent quality liturgy that the Toronto Oratory celebrates week in and out. Indeed, these strains of William Byrd and Palestrina -- probably my two favourite composers of the Renaissance -- are not unfamiliar to the walls of this church.

Here are the clips.

Salve Sancte Parens (William Byrd)

Kyrie (Missa Veni Sponsa Christi, Palestrina)

Gloria (Missa Veni Sponsa Christi, Palestrina)

Confirma Hoc Deus (William Byrd)

Ave Maria (Palestrina)

Three pieces: Beata Viscera (William Byrd), Exultate Justi (Lodovico da Viadana), Agnus Dei (Palestrina, Missa Veni Sponsa Christi)

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