Monday, June 23, 2008

The Canons Regular of St. John Cantius and Usus Antiquior Workshops

The following came into the NLM from the Canons today:

Cardinal Castrillón Hoyas, President of the 'Ecclesia Dei' Office, charged with implementing 'Summorum Pontificum,' gave a press conference in London on June 14, 2008, for journalists representing The Times, The Daily Telegraph, Reuters, The Catholic Herald and The Tablet.

When asked how widely Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio should be applied the Cardinal replied that the Ancient Roman Liturgy is a treasure not 'for many' but 'for all.' Hoyos insisted that the Holy Father intends that the Extraordinary Form be in all parishes on a weekly Sunday basis. The Cardinal stated that the Ecclesia Dei Commission will write to all seminaries asking them to provide training in the theology, rubrics and Latin of the Extraordinary Form.

Since the Traditional Latin Mass is, indeed, 'pro omnibus,' much training and catechesis needs to be offered to clergy and laity alike.

Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago, recently stated: "In order to better serve Catholics who wish to worship according to the Forma extraordinaria, ample and ongoing catechesis in the form of the Mass must be available. This can only be achieved if, first of all, priests and seminarians are prepared to serve this need."

In order to respond to this need of formation, both for clergy and laity, the Canons Regular of St . John Cantius are offering workshops to help Catholics better celebrate and appreciate the Forma extraordinaria.

A workshop for the lay faithful will be held from August 25-29, 2008, and a workshop for clergy and seminarians will be held from September 8-12, 2008. Both of these workshops, led by the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius, will be held at the Cardinal Stritch Retreat House on the campus of Mundelein Seminary.

For details contact Fr. Scott Haynes, S.J.C. at Canons Regular of St. John Cantius, 825 N. Carpenter St., Chicago, IL 60642. Call 312 243 7373. Visit for details.

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