Saturday, March 08, 2008

Dominican Chant Books: New on the Web

I am happy to announce that Mr. Philip Carl Smith, a graduate student in music at Notre Dame, has now pasted three more pdf files of Dominican Rite music books on the web. They are:

The Suarez Edition of the Dominican Gradual

Graduale ixta Ritum S. O. P. Emmanuelis Suarez permissu editum. Rome: S. Sabinae, 1950, found at:

This is the last edition of the Dominican Gradual and probably the most correct edition in terms of the medieval manuscripts of the chant.

The Gillet Edition of the Nocturnum

Nocturnum; sive, Antiphonarium S. O. P. pro Nocturnis Horis Majorum Solemnitatum. Stanislai Gillet permissu editum. Rome: In Hospitio Magistri, 1936, found at:

This is the only modern edition of the Night Office ever published. It covers the major feasts only and gives the chants corrected to conform to the medieval melodies but the form of the offices are those of the Post-Pius X Breviary, not the medieval Office. There is available on the web three modern electronic editions of the Night Office. They are for the ferial Psalter and commons only.
The Pre-Pius X Ferial Nocturnal:
The Post Pius X Ferial Nocturnal:
The Nocturnal for Common Offices:

Mr. Smith has previously put on the web two other Dominican chant books. I posted on these previously but give the references again here for convenience:

The Cormier Edition of the Processional (1913)

Processionarium Iuxta Ritum Sacri Ordinis Praedicatorum. Hyacinthi Cormier issu recognitum et editum. Romae: Curia Magistri Generalis, 1913, found at:

The Gillet Edition of the Diurnal Antiphonarium (1933):

Antiphonarium Sacri Ordinis Prædicatorum Pro Diurnis Horis. Martini Stanislai Gillet permissu editum. Romæ: In Hospitio Magistri Generalis, 1933:

In addition Mr. Smith has now posted an important resource for those interested in the Hymnal of the Dominican Breviary:

Aquinas Burns, O.P., Hymns of the Dominican Missal and Breviary (St. Louis: Herder, 1943), at:

I understand that Mr. Smith is now at work on scanning the great Jandel Antiphonarium of 1869. This is the only printed edition of the entire Dominican Office, diurnal and nocturnal, in its medieval format. Although the musical variants in it seem to reflect post-medieval changes (corruptions?), this is still a very important book. When it is available I will immediately announce it.

I might add that we now have available on the web modern editions of the all the major Domincan Chant books ever printed, saving the Triduo Ante Pasqua (most of which is already found in the Gillet Antiphonal and the Suarez Gradual) and the Liber Completorii (all of which can be found in the Gillet Antiphonal. Dominicans and other lovers of chant owe him a debt of gratitude for this work. Please keep him in your prayers as he enters the Dominican noviciate next fall.

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