Saturday, March 29, 2008

Final Triduum Post [Updated]

A final post on the Triduum which will mainly be comprised of links.

John Sonnen has more vigil photos from the ceremonies of the Roman FSSP on Orbis Catholicus.

Schola Sainte Cecile have some from the Parisian church of St-Eugene.

Jeffrey Bebeau has some from the FSSP in Calgary, Alberta.

Diane has a single post covering Assumption Grotto in Detroit, MI.

Carlos Antonio Palad send us images from The Philippines.

An Australian reader sent in these photos.

Finally, a picture sent in from the Anglican use congregation of St. Athanasius in West Roxbury;

UPDATE: Well, I cannot resist something from the Holy Week ceremonies from Wigratzbad, the FSSP seminary in Europe. A very nice gothic set pictured here as well.

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