We are not quite finished with our photos of Passiontide veils (another set will be posted shortly), and Holy Week is already upon us! Please send photos of your Palm Sunday services, whether in the OF or EF, Ordinariate or any Eastern Rite, etc., to
photopost@newliturgicalmovement.org; don’t forget to include the name and location of the church, and any other information you think important.
I would also ask people as much as possible to send the pictures as zipped files, which are a lot easier to process, and to size them down so that the smaller dimension is around 1500 pixels.
Since we will have a lot more photoposts to do fairly soon, make sure you send them
no later than Holy Tuesday, so we can post on Spy Wednesday. Requests will be posted for the rest of Holy Week and Easter fairly soon. Evangelize through beauty!
From the second post: knocking on the church door with the processional cross at the Damenstiftkirche in Munich, Germany (FSSP). |
From the third post: a perfect shot of the swing of the Ambrosian coverless thurible, from the church of Santa Maria della Consolazione in Milan, Italy. |
From the fourth post: palms decorated with flowers for the procession at the Chapelle Saint-Augustin in Lausanne, Switzerland (FSSP).