Just a brief word about this. Those looking to incorporate some penitential activities as part of their Advent preparations may wish to consider taking up the optional but traditional Advent Embertide fast and abstinence today, Friday and Saturday -- which days are, of course, Ember days in the traditional Roman calendar.
For those who would like to learn more about Ember days, or for those who would simply like to refresh themselves on this ancient Roman tradition, you may wish to review the following NLM article from 2008 which briefly looks at some of the history and discipline of these days.
I would also like to remind our readers of two posts published last year which look at some aspects of the Ember days of Advent in particular, including the Mass of Ember Wednesday in Advent according to the usus antiquior:
The Golden Mass of Ember Wednesday
Ember Wednesday in Advent (Feria Quarta Quatuor Temporum Adventus)
The Ember days not only bring with them many fascinating insights into the liturgical tradition of the Roman church, it further provides a wonderful opportunity to take up the discipline of the fast -- so nearly absent within the Western church today in both practice and in popular consciousness.
For those who would like to learn more about Ember days, or for those who would simply like to refresh themselves on this ancient Roman tradition, you may wish to review the following NLM article from 2008 which briefly looks at some of the history and discipline of these days.
I would also like to remind our readers of two posts published last year which look at some aspects of the Ember days of Advent in particular, including the Mass of Ember Wednesday in Advent according to the usus antiquior:
The Golden Mass of Ember Wednesday
Ember Wednesday in Advent (Feria Quarta Quatuor Temporum Adventus)
The Ember days not only bring with them many fascinating insights into the liturgical tradition of the Roman church, it further provides a wonderful opportunity to take up the discipline of the fast -- so nearly absent within the Western church today in both practice and in popular consciousness.