For the first ever there is now an edition of the Lectionarium according to the so called ‘1962 edition’, i.e. according to the rubrics set forth by the Motu Proprio "Rubricarum Instructum" of Bl. Pope John XXIII on July 25th 1960. This new edition complies with the canon law and regulations and was granted the Imprimatur according to can. 826 II CIC by his Excellency Bishop Gregor Maria Hanke, O.S.B.
Allthough some new editions of the Missale Romanum were edited at the beginning of the 1960's, because of the quickly changing circumstances there has never been an edition of a ‘1962-Lectionarium’ until today. We are therefore very happy to close this gap and cordially invite you to find plenty of information on the following pages about the new work that not only follows the good old traditions of editing liturgical books but rivals the best editions of the 20th century.

The book is priced at 350 EUR and is ready to ship immediately.
(Thanks for John Sonnen for pointing this out.)