Missa Cantata - Usus Antiquior Ennis Cathedral, Sunday September 27th
Sunday's celebration of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite in the diocese of Killaloe took place in Ennis Cathedral, it was the first public Mass to be said in the diocese since Father Wulfran Lebocq of the Institute of Christ the King said Mass there 2 years ago.
The celebrant was Monsignor Séamus Horgan a long-standing friend of the Latin Mass Society of Ireland and a priest well known for his attachment to the Extraordinary form of the Mass.
Permission to use the Cathedral was obtained by Mr Alex Stewart, a Latin Mass Society member from Clare, who wrote to Bishop Walsh who gladly agreed.
Attendance at the Mass was reckoned to be between 130-140 people which was quite a turn out considering the Mass began at 4.30
The propers were sung heartily by the congregation and the choir who had come from Corofin. [NLM: I assume as regards the congregation, the ordinary is meant.] Monsignor preached on Sundays gospel and expanded upon the importance of the commandment to love God above all things and also our neighbour as ourselves. He also spoke of the need to keep the Church free from the secular.
Monsignor Horgan, unknown to many perhaps, has celebrated in the Extraordinary Form previously in the Killaloe and Limerick dioceses. In 2003 he celebrated the Mass of the Latin Mass Society of Ireland's pilgrimage to the site of the little Ark in Kilbaha Co Clare. He also celebrated several Masses in St Patricks Church, Dublin Road, Limerick home of the Institute of Christ the King's Apostolate in the diocese of Limerick. He also celebrated a memorable Christmas Day Mass in the city in 2004 at the Mercy Convent Chapel at Mount St Vincents on O'Connell Avenue. Monsignor worked for a time in Roscrea before being transferred to the Apostolic Nunciature in Kampala, Uganda. At present he is based in Bern, Switzerland where he works in the Apostolic Nunciature.
The Latin Mass Society of Ireland is very grateful for his generosity of the years.
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Report from Ireland: Ennis Cathedral
Shawn Tribe
From Ireland this evening.