Some of you may be curious as to my silence about some of the recent stories about the Motu Proprio. There are a few out there. One is via a Mexican daily; another an interview with Msgr. Schmitz; still another comes by means of some faithful in the Diocese of Rheims who have heard, in some fashion, from Msgr. Camille Perl, secretary to the Ecclesia Dei commission.
In these pieces we have more or less news, mainly confirming the firmness of the Holy Father's intent to release this Motu Proprio. The latter piece, from Germany, even goes so far as to suggest the precise nature of the Motu Proprio, and posits a release date of prior to Easter.
I've abstained from posting these pieces to date because, while I am indeed convinced of the forthcoming release of this document, at the same time, at this point I should think that most people are little interested in theories about the Motu Proprio and are interested instead in only one thing: the actual release of the Motu Proprio!
So for now, I've opted to simply bite my tongue and wait.