Tuesday, September 19, 2006

CIEL 2006 - Oxford, Merton College

I write to you from England, actually in preparation to leave in a few short hours.

Let me first quickly report that the conference was a very great success, filled to the rafters, and with a liturgical schedule and quality that would seldom be surpassed.

The Cornell Society have posted a report already of the Solemn Pontifical Mass held on the final day of the colloquium.

I will bring you a detailed report of the conference, including:

- The speakers and the papers given
- The tour of Catholic Oxford
- The Oxford Oratory
- The daily liturgies of the colloquium, including solemn lauds, solemn vespers, compline and of course, daily solemn high mass.
- The Oxford venues
- Interesting notes on those attending
- photographs from these various events

And finally, not specific to the CIEL conference, but a report on my experience of Sunday Mass and Vespers at the famed (and singularly impressive) London or Brompton Oratory.

Please pray for a safe return journey will is due to leave in a few hours.

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