First, a ciborium designed by Ernest C. Shearman:

The altar candlesticks and cross where also designed by Shearman

Here it is in colour. This is how the altar arrangement stands today.
The church website describes the ciborium accordingly: "The baldacchino has at its centre, the Resurrection figure of Our Lord with the banner of victory in His hand. Below is the word “Resurrexit.” Below Christ are two angels swinging censers and two more attendant figures bearing incense boats. On pillars at each corner of the baldacchino are angels blowing trumpets. Above the figure of Our Lord is a dove, representing the Holy Spirit. Above are the letters in flames of red and gold, ‘D.O.M,’ (Deo Optimo Maximo) - ‘To the Most High God.’"
In addition to the ciborium, they also show some reredos art from their Lady Chapel which was painted by Henry Victor Milner.