Monday, October 15, 2007

FSSP in Annecy, France

The French website of the FSSP have some photographs up from the "inauguration" of a Church they are serving in the Diocese of Annecy.

(I have noted that in France one more commonly sees the vernacular reading immediately following the chanted reading, rather than just prior to the homily -- which seems more sensible to me if you are going to have both. Of course, the Epistle and Gospel may now also be proclaimed simply in the vernacular if the community and priest so desire -- such a pastoral consideration should be taken into account.

This might be a good time to note that for those communities who do opt to go with vernacular readings in the usus antiquior, the presumption should be that the new lectionary does not seem to what is envisioned by this development, but simply the use of the readings as found in the 1962 Missale Romanum in an approved biblical translation. Let us hope the Ecclesia Dei Commission's forthcoming guidelines will address the matter and thereby settle it definitively.)

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