Monday, October 29, 2007

Another Glorious Church Renovation

Thanks to a reader for sending in this interesting story about yet another beautiful church renovation: St. Aloysius Church, Olivia, MN.

Clicking on the link will take you to a news story showing many views of the church. Apparently the renovation has been a seven year project -- and what an impressive project it is.

Once again, a theme that has been touched upon here at the NLM before comes forward in my mind: the crucial role of colour in architectural and liturgical art. One can think of the colour that historically characterized the mediaeval churches of Europe, the gilding and painting of renaissance and baroque churches, the colourful splendour of the Byzantine, or the intricate patterns of the gothic revival. Well done, St. Aloysius.

Might I suggest that if we have individuals here who are considering possible renovations to consider just how important this step can be for re-enchanting your parish architecture.

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