I don't like it when the entire text is written out musically - syllable for syllable, punctum for punctum. It has a psychological effect on your singers. It makes them sing more slowly. It makes people sound like Hal at the beginning of 2001.
...[Looking at the Psalm and Gloria Patri from the Introit for Epiphany] Look at this Gloria Patri...in this case you are shown a punctum for every syllable. But there are things you can do. The Initio, or beginning of the Psalm tone, is music. It is a musical composition of its own. When when you get to the reciting tone (on the word Patri ) the rhythm of speech takes over. And it remains so until the final cadence...
Beautifully sung Psalmody is a conversation. It's a perfect hand off between the text and the music. When you see a full bar coming, a mediant or final cadence, slow down a little. Don't slam on the breaks. You wouldn't do that at a stop sign. Watch what's coming and enjoy the music.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Students participate actively by listening
Scott Turkington on Psalm singing at this afternoon's session of the Winter Intensive: