So what's the big deal anyway? Why are people so excited about this motu proprio and the freedom of the 1962 Missal?
I think some of our new readers may be wondering this. Here's your chance to tell them, in the combox below, how you came to discover the Traditional Latin Mass, why you find it to be so nourishing to your faith, and why you would invite others to go to a TLM with you.
Please, take this opportunity to share your story.
As I've mentioned before, my first TLM was Mater Ecclesiae's Assumption Mass at the cathedral in Camden in 2004, and it resonated with me and shook me and changed me in many ways. But I ramble on enough as it is; your turn.
(BTW, it would be good to couch things in positive terms. The 1970's are over. Please, no complaining about what is bad; let us focus on the good.)