[UPDATE: I've decided for now to keep adding any images sent my way to this original post -- unless someone sends me significant numbers of pictures that might be served by its own post better. Basically, if you see this post come back to the top of the posts, check it out, because I've updated it new celebration pictures. I'll tack them onto the bottom.]
Fr. Finigan over the Hermeneutic of Continuity (a very excellent blog incidentally) details some Champagne and cake that was celebrated at midday on the occasion of the Motu Proprio, at his parish after a holy hour.
The parishioners were treated very well if the two (possibly three) bottles of Veuve sitting on the table are any indication.

Fr. Finigan then details his evening celebrations with some fellow members of the clergy:

Father tells us discussion of the details of the document ensued, as well as the singing of the Te Deum in the parish church this was at.

Another priest, Fr. Michael Brown, over at Forest Murmurs details their day. It started off well:

And then they moved into the analysis of the motu proprio, and finally, the celebration with cake, and why yes, again with the Veuve:

One of our readers from Portugal shared what they did after printing off and reading the Motu Proprio:
Port! How fitting for Portugal in particular -- not to mention most anywhere else in the world.
Some of you may recognize on of our readers by their comment name "Bedevere", well here he is with some friends at a home celebratng the MP. In fact, he pointed out that he even made a special MP t-shirt for the day.
Looks like they went Italian as well with some nice sausage, olives, bread and the like.
A toast by none other than the NLM's Fr. Thomas Kocik, and author of "Reform of the Reform: A Liturgical Debate". Also visible is Fr. Joseph Santos, an expert in the Rite of Braga. Various representatives of Una Voce America where at this toast, including Allen Maynard (who isn't visible).
I am on the look out for more pictures and reports like this to post here. So do send them in.