Monday, June 07, 2010

Roman Meeting of the "Priestly Friends of Summorum Pontificum"

Fr. Vincenzo Nuara, O.P., known to readers of the NLM as the founder of the youth group "Giovani e Tradizione" and of the priestly association "Priestly Friends of Summorum Pontificum" has asked me to post the following program for an assembly of the latter which will take place in Rome tomorrow, June 8th. The meeting will be held at the Casa Bonus Pastor, via Aurelia 208. All seminarians and religious are welcome to attend. Priests who wish to celebrate Mass beforehand may do so at the Basilica of St. Peter, arriving at the Sacristy between 7 and 8:30. (Earlier is better.)

9:00 a.m. Assembly at the Casa Domus Pastor.
9:30. Celebration of the Hour of Terce.
10:00. Conference by Fr. P. Rigon on the theme: "Priestly life and the Liturgy".
10:45. Presentation on the association “Priestly Friends of Summorum Pontificum” (A.S.S.P.) by Fr. Vincenzo Nuara, O.P.
11:45. Information regarding the meeting of the priests of the A.S.S.P. with the Holy Father.
12:00. Angelus and Holy Rosary.
12:15. Meeting of the regional delegates.
1:30. Lunch.

For further information, please call (+39) 340.948.1716 and ask for Fr. Camillo.

In addition, Fr. Nuara has asked me to share the following information concerning the activities and goals of the Priestly Friends of Summorum Pontificum.

The goals of the Priestly Friends of Summorum Pontificum, approved in a meeting held in Rome on February 8, 2010, are as follows.

1. To love the Holy Eucharist, the Blessed Virgin and the Pope.
2. To foster obedience to and perfect communion with the Supreme Pontiff and Vicar of Christ.
3. To know, love, celebrate and promote the Sacred Liturgy of the traditional Gregorian-Latin rite, especially in the celebration of the Holy Mass and the Divine Office.
4. To study and promote Catholic doctrine as taught by the Magisterium of the Church, particularly by the Roman Pontiff.
5. To recognize and follow Saint Thomas Aquinas as master in the teaching of Catholic doctrine. (cf. O.T. 16).
6. To deepen knowledge of Marian theology and spirituality, and to cultivate a deep and tender devotion to the Holy Mother of God through the frequent recitation of the Rosary.
7. To encourage devotion to the ecclesiastical and religious habit as a sign of consacration to God and witness before the world.
8. To dedicate ourselves to pray for and encourage priestly and religious vocations.
9. To encourage friendship among priests for mutual support, collaboration, and charity in the exercize of the priestly ministry.
10. To dedicate ourselves to celebrate at least once a month a Mass for all priests living and dead, for those who are in the greatest difficulty in this life, and most in need of prayers in Purgatory.

N.B. The objectives of the association will be forwarded also by the organization of spiritual exercizes, conferences, days dedicated to theological study and to the liturgy, and vrious pilgrimages. For more information, see:

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