Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Reader requests and announcements...

Reader 1:

One of our readers is looking for something for a particular religious order. I am hopeful someone might be able to help.

They would like to find the 1928 edition of the Antiphonale Romano-Seraphicum Pro Horis Diurnis or of the 1949 edition of the Antiphonale Sacrosanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Pro Horis Diurnis.

I think they'd be quite happy even with a reprint if need be. Please post in the comments if you have such a thing.

Reader 2:

Ex Fontibus Co. has newly published the Roman Kyriale, including an index, in both hard-cover and soft-cover editions. The hard-cover edition will be attractive, we hope, to choirs who anticipate regular and heavy use of the book.


Description of the volume:

"Gregorian chant has long transmitted the mystery and majesty of the Catholic liturgical tradition. Newly republished, the Kyriale Romanum of 1961, preserves between its covers an invaluable patrimony of ancient and medieval chants for the Ordinary of the Mass. It collects from the Graduale the most frequently-used chant settings throughout the liturgical year, with eighteen mass settings, six credos, and numerous settings for feasts and holy days, including the solemn procession on the feast of Corpus Christi.

As Catholics are becoming increasingly aware of and interested in their liturgical heritage, this beautiful and affordably-priced volume is of great value to choir directors, choristers, and laypeople who wish fully to participate in the venerable liturgical tradition of the Roman Rite. "

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