Thursday, June 04, 2020

Introducing a New NLM Contributor - Dr. Michael Foley

New Liturgical Movement is very pleased to announce a new addition to our group of writers. Dr Michael Foley is a Catholic theologian, a professor of Patristics in the Great Texts Program at Baylor University, and the author of twelve books and over 250 articles on topics ranging from sacred liturgy and the theology of St Augustine to reflections on pop culture. His works include The Politically Incorrect Guide to Christianity, Gus Finds God (a children’s book), Drinking with the Saints, and, most recently, Drinking with Your Patron Saints. He lives with his wife Alexandra and their six children in Waco, Texas. Each Friday, he will examine a liturgical text, one of the works of the remarkable poet-theologians from ages past who gave us the Roman rite, and explain details and nuances of the original Latin version which may not be evident even in the best of translations. The series is therefore called “Lost in Translation”; we hope that these brief reflections will foster our readers’ appreciation of the much-celebrated “genius of the Roman Rite” and its wondrous ability to communicate truths succinctly and beautifully. The first installment in the ongoing series was published last week, the next will appear tomorrow under his own by-line. Glad to have you with us, Michael!

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