Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A New App With Recordings of the Complete Gregorian Chant Repertoire

For the past three years, a community of Benedictine nuns in France has been recording all of their daily chanted prayers, following the whole liturgical calendar and all of its feasts. The idea was to create the world’s largest and most comprehensive recording of the Gregorian chant repertoire. The result is a compilation equivalent to 7000 CDs.

The recording has been made by the nuns of the Abbey of Notre-Dame de Fidélité of Jouques, near Aix-en Provence in southern France. Their website for this project,, claims to have a recording, with score, of every proper and ordinary for the Mass and the Divine Office for the full liturgical year. The scrolling score matches the voices.

The public sharing of this project was launched on the feast of Pentecost this year and is available through an app that can be downloaded by going to

Each day, the complete Office of the Hours of that day will be posted. For each chant, you will find the square note score, the Latin text, and its translation into the user’s language. You can learn more about the Benedictine nuns who participated in this project at, and listen to a sample via this video:

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