Monday, August 27, 2012

Back in Print: Byzantine Daily Worship

Whether you are a regular or occasional attendee of the Byzantine liturgy, or whether you simply are one who is interested in the Byzantine liturgy, you may find the following of interest. Namely, Alleluia Press has put Byzantine Daily Worship back into print.

Byzantine Daily Worship was edited under the auspices of Archbishop Joseph Raya and Baron José M. de Vinck. Essentially what we have here is an equivalent of the typical Latin rite pew missal. The reprinted edition is priced at $65.00 USD -- and I can tell you that, over the years, I have seen a great demand for copies of this little item. It may be an idea to pick it up while you can.

I have a copy of an earlier printing of this and I can attest to the fact they do a nice job with it.

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