Sunday, October 05, 2008

First "UA" Mass of Non-FSSP Priest at Ss. Trinita, Rome

One of our friends in the Roman apostolate of the FSSP informed me of this wonderful event and corresponding photos of the event (taken by John Sonnen of Orbis Catholicus for the FSSP).

In Rome this morning was the first Mass (in the usus antiquior) of a newly ordained priest, Fr. Borna Puskaric, who was recently ordained to the priesthood. Fr. Borna has been a seminarian in Rome for 5 years and served at the FSSP Roman apostolate in various capacities, from subdeacon to deacon and now, as a priest. It is worth noting that Fr. Puskaric is not an FSSP priest.

The deacon and subdeacon for the Mass are also two good men, both seminarians of the North American College, and both of whom I had the pleasure to meet a few months ago while in Rome.

A full gallery of pictures is available off the FSSP Rome website, but here are a few select images.

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