Friday, April 22, 2022

CMAA and New Liturgical Movement Fundraiser

Thank you, Thank you, Thank You! Yesterday was a magnificent day! Your generosity was overwhelming. People from across the country sent in donations.

Today I would like to make a personal appeal to bishops, priests and deacons. When I was a seminarian, way back in the late 1970's and early 1980's, I would go to the seminary library, find Sacred Music journal, and then hide behind the stacks to read it.  It was almost contraband. Sacred Music was a breath of fresh air and full of information we were never taught. I think of all the seminarians who boarded with Msgr. Schuler, the former President of the CMAA and editor of Sacred Music, at St. Agnes parish in Saint Paul, MN.  Many became priests and some became bishops. I think of all the clergy who have attended the Colloquium. I think of all the clergy who look forward to receiving their copy of Sacred Music in the mail. I think of all the clergy who have used the online resources over these many years. We were there when you needed us and we were the first to provide such services.

Your Excellencies,  Reverend Monsignori and Fathers, Reverend Deacons, please dig down deep and help the CMAA - New Liturgical Movement. There is no sung Mass without a clergy who know how to sing their parts. The Clergy need to know what the GIRM, or the Ancient Rite of Mass, require in regard to sacred music. Thanks to the CMAA and now the NLM, this teaching on sacred music continues and has existed from before the liturgical changes of 1970.

We need your help!

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