Monday, March 11, 2019

New Episode of “Square Notes: The Sacred Music Podcast” - Beauty and Catholic Culture: a Story of Conversion

Episode 2 – Beauty and Catholic Culture: a Story of Conversion – with Vida and Josh Hernandez

In the second episode of “Square Notes: The Sacred Music Podcast,” we look at the power of beauty to draw people to Christ and the Catholic faith. We interview two dear friends who encountered the radiance and power of Christ in the sacred liturgy, in sacred music, and through an immersion in literature and Catholic culture. Vida and Josh Hernandez were received into the Catholic Church in 2010 after a profound conversion experience, and they join us to share their story.

We reference an article in Crisis magazine by Bishop James D. Conley of Lincoln, Nebraska in the interview. Check out the article here.

The podcast is available on iTunes.

Or YouTube.

Or SoundCloud.

Or Stitcher.

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