Thursday, March 07, 2019

Latin Mass Permission Request Form from 1985

Last Saturday, we published an image of a “permission slip” which those who wished to attend a traditional Latin Mass in Milwaukee in 1985 had to obtain, and then show at the door to be admitted to the chapel where it was being celebrated. As a follow-up, here is a form from the same period, which the diocese of Buffalo, New York, required those who wished to attend the traditional Mass to fill out and submit. (Courtesy of Amy Elisabet and the Facebook page of Una Voce Buffalo.)

At the time, the diocese of Buffalo granted the celebration of four traditional Masses per year, held at 2pm on Saturday afternoons. At the first Mass, over 600 people showed up; so many, in fact, that the Mass had to moved from the chapel named in the form to a larger church. In 1990, a regular Sunday Mass was finally granted at the church of St Vincent de Paul, and the requirement to fill out the form was dropped. There are now three Latin Masses in Buffalo, which continute to grow and thrive. Once again, despite the many difficulties which the Church faces, we should all be immensely grateful to God for the progress that has been made in the restoration of the traditional Mass to full rights of citizenship.

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