Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Traditional Dominican Rite Compline with Music Reprinted

This Completorii Libellus iuxta Ritum Sacri Ordinis Praedicatorum of 1957 was the last publication of Dominican Rite Compline with all the Dominican Gregorian music, published at the order of Master General Michael Browne. Dominican Liturgy Publications has now produced a reprint edition  of this book.

Those using this book according to the 1962 rubrics need only sing the entire antiphon at the beginning as well as the end of each psalm or canticle. This book is paperback, has red rubrics and generous gutter margins, making it inexpensive and suitable for personal use. Although it is a photographic reprint the quality is quite good, but you should check the preview before ordering. A hardback version for choir use is planned.

If you are looking for Compline according to the modern Liturgy of the Hours, with approved Dominican elements, also in Dominican chant, you should go here.

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