Their priest Fr Jurgen Liias was ordained in April. Kevin McDermott of St Gregory's Church contacted me because they are raising money to pay for the making of a chalice and paten in designs that correspond to those from the time of the Gregorian mission to England.
Their website has a short photo montage and description this project which they hope to have completed by September 3rd, his Feast. It is designed by Vincent Hawley, who is a Florentine trained goldsmith who lives locally. He also designed and made a medallion based upon the earliest English painting of St Gregory (below), which is in what might have been St Bede's own copy of the History of the English Church. You can read more about this here.
This small community of about 30 people plus a similar number of more distant friends on their mailing list has so far worked hard to raise about $10,000 to get the project going (I think I might have seen Thomas Howard, the writer in the photos of the congregation!). High quality does not come cheap and they are looking for a similar amount to complete it. I am happy to see so much energy and time devoted to the creation of beauty for the liturgy.
Any who are interested in supporting this project financially can contact the treasurer Susan Carpentier at treasurer@saintgregoryordinariate.org or write to her at St Gregory the Great Church, PO Box 59, Rowley, MA 01969. Make cheques payable to St Gregory the Great Church and mark 'Sacred Vessels Fund'. There is also a PayPal button on the page linked above.
They also have recordings of the chants they use for the Ordinaries of the Mass which can be listened online or downloaded, here.