Thursday, March 31, 2022

Laetare Sunday Photopost 2022

Once again, our thanks to everyone who sent in these pictures; along with the rose vestments used on Laetare Sunday, we have a few pictures of the feasts of St Joseph and the Annunciation as well. Our next photopost series will be of Passiontide veils, so a reminder will be posted tomorrow. Keep up the good work of evangelizing through beauty.
Church of St Anne – Vilnius, Lithuania
A private chapel
St Dominic’s Church and Shrine of the Holy Rosary – London, England
Our own Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P., celebrating the Dominican Rite on a beautiful sunny day.
Oratory of Ss Gregory and Augustine – St Louis, Misouri
Photos by Kiera Petrick
Tradition will always be for the young!
Immaculate Heart of Mary Oratory – San José, California (ICRSP)
Photos by Roseanne Sullivan
From the FSSP Apostolate in Guadalajara, Mexico: a table set up with sweets and other foods to be blessed after the procession on the feast of St Joseph...
and Mass on the Annunciation.
St Mary’s Church – Conshohocken, Pennsylvania (FSSP)
Photos by Allison Girone
The next two sets are both by the omnipresent (within New York) Arrys Ortañez, first at his regular spiritual home...
Holy Innocents – New York City
and then at the church of the Holy Redeemer, where the Mass was followed by the ritual of the catechumenal scrutinies.
Private oratory of Mr John Ryan Debil, who, as we have reported before, REALLY makes an effort...
Church of the Assumption – Ferndale, California

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