Tuesday, February 19, 2019

The TLM Returns to a New York Parish

On Monday, February 11th, the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, the parish of Notre Dame in New Hyde Park, New York, held its first Solemn High Mass since the Second Vatican Council. The church was filled for the celebration of its patronal feast day (on the property, there is a grotto to Our Lady of Lourdes dedicated by the then-Monsignor Fulton Sheen), which was also the 60th anniversary of its dedication. The new pastor, Fr Joseph Scolaro, ordained only five years, writes to say that he has found a very positive response to the reintroduction of many traditional practices of the faith. While there were some requests for the Mass on the part of parishioners, he thought exposure to the usus antiquior would be an opportunity for the entire parish to grow in a greater awareness of the rich tradition of the Church. Many attended for the first time and found it to be a beautiful experience. He was assisted at the Mass by the canons from a nearby parish. (Photos courtesy of Nick Castelli.)

Once again, we are also very much encouraged to see that it is predominantly the young who are taking responsibility for keeping this tradition alive, and sharing it with their fellow Catholics - feliciter!

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