My apologies to the alert reader (Rev. David Akerman) who sent this news item in back last Lent, but better late than never:
There is only a fragment left of the 19th century stone cross on the roof of St Peter’s Church, Windrush in Gloucestershire, England but on Easter Day a new cross will be unveiled and dedicated by the [Anglican] Bishop of Tewkesbury. The cross, carved by Cirencester based Rory Young, who has undertaken notable projects at Gloucester Cathedral, York Minster and Southwark Cathedral, incorporates an image of the risen and triumphant Christ, as well as the word “peace” within the crown of thorns. The donor was educated by Benedictines and the image of the crown of thorns and Pax reflects that. “I had long wanted to see a new cross on the church that spoke of our confidence for the future” said the Rev. David Ackerman, “and following a generous donation I was thrilled that Rory agreed to the commission.” Fr. David added “I often say to people that when future generations look back they will ask what mark did we leave on our churches to show what they meant to us. We will place an image of the risen Lord on Easter Day, and you can’t really better that.”The crucifix is quite handsome. The new Liturgical Movement is just about discreet and organic additions to existing structures (and the commission of new works of art), as well as grand new churches. It ensures our continuity with the past and shows we are about more than simply keeping things as they were.