Here at the parish that I am working at, we have (I believe) every single Missal that has been produced since 1864 [the parish was founded in 1854]. In other words, every Missal translation that came out since 1864, we have (we have quite a few from the years after Vatican II). Our parish is quite unique in that in did not throw anything away...and I mean anything. So we are in possession of many things that may be of interest. ... Another exciting thing that is happening at our parish, is that we will be celebrating the Tridentine Mass every 1st Sunday of the month. The Institute of Christ the King will be assisting us in this endeavor. In addition to all of that, our current church will be going under a renovation to restore a few of the things that are in disrepair (walls, floor, ceiling, sanctuary).
The good father was kind enough to send some handsome photos of his parish's 1864 missal, which is quite beautifully printed and illustrated, and worth sharing. I am particularly impressed with the binding.