Friday, January 05, 2024

Photopost Request: Epiphany 2024

We will finish our Christmas photopost series later today; in the meantime, get your cameras ready for the next series, pictures of liturgies celebrated on the Epiphany, whether in the OF or the EF, or any of the Eastern Rites, Ordinariate Use, etc. Please send them to, and don’t forget to include the name of the church and its location, along with any other information you think worth noting. As always, we will be very glad to include other liturgical ceremonies besides Mass, such as the Proclamation of the Movable Feasts, the blessing of the waters, of chalk etc. Evangelize through beauty!

From our first Epiphany photopost of last year: the blessing of water at the ICRSP’s Oratory of St Mary in Wausau, Wisconsin.

From the second post: solemn Mass at the church of the Assumption in Nashville, Tennessee.
And thanks to our friends at Liturgical Arts Journal for sharing this magnificent image of the Mass of the Epiphany, from a Roman Missal printed and colored by hand at Antwerp in 1626. The border on the right side show several other episodes associated with the Epiphany - clockwise from the top: the Magi see the star over Bethlehem; the Massacre of the Innocents; the Baptism of the Lord; the Wedding at Cana; the flight into Egypt; and the Magi before Herod. 
“Corda nostra, quáesumus, Dómine, ventúrae festivitátis splendor illustret, quo mundi hujus ténebras carére valeámus, et perveniámus ad patriam claritátis aeterne. Per... – May the splendor of the coming festivity, o Lord, enlighten our hearts, that by it, we may be free of the darkness of this world, and come to the homeland of eternal glory. Through our Lord...” (An ancient collect for the vigil of the Epiphany.)

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