Friday, October 29, 2021

October 2021 Photopost Catch-up

Here is an interesting mix of photos and videos of recent events which people have spontaneously sent in over the last month or so. We will of course be doing a more specific photopost (hopefully more than one) for the upcoming feast of All Saints, and the Commemoration of All Souls; a reminder will be posted tomorrow. As always, we are very grateful to all the contributors - keep up the good work of evangelizing through beauty!

Choral Vespers and Benediction, celebrated at the end of a Forty-Hours Devotion at the Oxford Oratory.
A tour of the church of St Mary in Williamston, Michigan; Kari Edwards, the director of Development and Special Projects, explains some very nice renovations recently made to the building.
Mass in the traditional rite at the church of St Joseph in Macon, Georgia.
The next three sets come from one of our most regular photopost contributors, Mr João Victor Melo, who lives in Brazil; but we start with something quite remarkable, an altar card made out of silver, in which the words of consecration are etched into the metal.
Holy Mass celebrated in the traditional rite in the Chapel of Our Lady of Good Counsel in Abadiânia, state of Goiás, attended by His Highness Dom Bertrand of Orleans and Bragança, Prince Imperial de jure of Brazil.
Festivities in honor of Our Lady of Pilar, Patron Saint of the city and diocese of São João Del Rei, in the state of Minas Gerais, held from October 3-12 at the Cathedral Basilica titled to Her. First, a novena in preparation for the feast; very nice to see vestments in the traditional style being used in the modern rite.
Mass and Procession on the feast day, celebrated by His Excellency Bishop José Eudes Campos do Nascimento.
Other celebrations following the main feast: two Masses, and Benediction with the singing of the Te Deum.
On October 4, about fifty faithful attended a Solemn Mass for the city of San Francisco on the feast of its Patron Saint, Francis of Assisi, organized by the Discalced Carmelite nuns at Cristo Rey Carmelite monastery in the city. Under the direction of Prof. William Mahrt, members of the St Ann Choir and other scholas sang Victoria’s Missa O quam gloriosum, along with rarely sung Mass propers from the Graduale Romano-Seraphicum, the traditional Franciscan version of the Roman Gradual. The nuns assisted from behind their cloister grille. Fittingly for the feast, the celebrant and deacon were Franciscan Conventual priests, one named Francisco; one of the altar servers was also a namesake of the Saint. (Courtesy of Roseanne Sullivan; photos by Jay Balza of the Traditional Latin Mass Society of San Francisco.)

Tradition will always be for the young!

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