Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Relics of St Victor Maurus in Milan

In October of 2018, we reported on the forensic examination which confirmed the authenticity of the relics of Ss Ambrose, Protasius and Gervasius, which have been kept since the end of the fourth century in the basilica of St Ambrose in Milan. Recently, a similar examination was performed on the relics of another Saint, a Christian soldier from Africa named Victor who was martyred at Milan in 303 A.D., the first year of the persecution of Diocletian (303-6), and whose feast day is kept on May 8th in the Ambrosian Rite. His relics are kept in the basilica named for him in the city; the recent examination shows them to be those of a robustly built man in his mid-20s, of northern African descent. The surviving remains consist of the cranium, which shows clear signs of decapitation, parts of the ribs and vertebrae, plus the legs and feet. For now, an official report with more detailed results has not been made public, but we are able to share these photos of the relics recently taken by Nicola, with our thanks.

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