Dr. Helmut Hoping is a professor of Dogmatics and Liturgical Theology at the University of Freiburg in Germany. I have had the pleasure to meet him back in 2008 at a liturgical conference organized by the late Professor Laszlo Dobszay. Those of our readers who follow the more traditionally oriented liturgical conference circuit in Europe will no doubt recognize his name. I was interested to hear of this, his latest publishing offering.

Helmut Hoping
Herder 2011
Price: EUR 32,00 (Product Link)
On the basis of his research work, the author, Helmut Hoping, works out his research starting with the Last Supper, continuing with Holy Communion in early Christian times and the development of the sacred liturgy down the centuries up to the liturgical reform launched by the Second Vatican Council. Besides examining theological disputes regarding the sacrament of the Eucharist the book also historically treats of aspects of piety. The author takes detailed position with regard to the present struggle for the unity of the Roman liturgy, celebrated according to the classical and modern form of the Roman rite (usus antiquior; usus modernus: Novus Ordo), supporting a liturgical reconciliation and a “reform of the reform“ within the context of a hermeneutic of reform in continuity in relation to the broader liturgical tradition of the Church.